Monday, 23 March 2015



          This articles is meant for people who want to learn how to design website and develop it, that is the future web masters. So if you are not interested in website design and development I will advise you look for another wonderful article on our blog to read, we have wide ranges of posts on our blog. You can join other classes on our blog. For those who are in this class I will like you all to pay adequate attention.
      Today as our tutorial is just beginning I will just give a general over view of what website design and development is all about. I know all of you have heard about website and have visited a lot of website to do one or two things. Today by the virtue of been in this class you are no longer a website user but a website builder. All I can see in this class is great future Nigerian webmasters who will compete favorably with their counterpart from different parts of the globe. For now after each lesson I will give out an assignment which you are going to take home and if you finish it you send it through my email we will be using this method now till our virtual classroom is ready.
Website design simply means the processes of creating web pages and linking them together to become website. You can also define website design as the process of using different web authoring languages to create web pages which is hyperlinked to each other as a website. You can define it in your own terms, we are not here for grammars but we are here for practical. To start designing a website you must have a laptop which I know all of you know very well it is a fundamental tool. You can buy online from konga click this link Click to buy now!  to buy from Konga. Also you need an editor like notepad, notepad++ or dreamweaver, dreamweaver is part of the adobe suit so I suggest you get It because we are going to be using it a lot in this our class. Also you need a browser, I believe you all knows what a browser is, well for bebefit doubt browser is a software through which you get connected to the internet. It can be Mozilla firefox, internet explorer or operamini. By the time we start building a dynamic website you will need a local server like wamp, mamp or xamp through which you can preview your server side scripts like php.
                                 BASIC WEB AUTHORING LANGUAGES
A particular website may comprise of several languages with which it Is authored such languages includes; hypertext markup language (html) which is the basic authoring language of the websites. CSS (cascading style sheet) which is used to add beauty and aesthetics to a website. Javascript, this is avery powerful language which is used to control the behaviors of the html, we also have ajax and jquerry. Php and are both used for the coding of dynamic websites.

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