If you really want to make money through referral and affiliate programs which is one of the easiest and cool way of making money online, you have to go with a referral program that pays. There are many companies out there running a referral program but not all of them are lucrative. A lot of beginners are always faced with the problem of choosing the referral program they are going to go with, that prompted me to prepare this article. Below is the details of a referral program that pays.
BIDVERTISER: bidvertiser run both affiliate and referral program and they pay up to 10 dollars for every referral made. When a user clicks on your button or link and signs up as an advertiser and first spends 10 dollars you will be credited with five dollars, when that same advertiser spends up to 50 dollars your account will be credited with 20 dollars. Also when a user first signs as a publisher and first earns 10 dollars your account will be credited with 10 dollars when that same user earns 5o dollars your account will be credited with 40 dollars. Click here to sign up with bidvertiser. <! -- Begin BidVertiser Referral code -->
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